Strategies for Academic Portfolios Discussion
Reflecting on my professional goals is a vital aspect of my self-motivation to continue my academic and professional advancement journey. Creating a vision of what you want to accomplish is essential in building a blueprint for your academic and professional success. Recognizing this vision will allow you to determine the path you need to take to get to the finish (Laureate Education, 2018).
Building my Nursing Professional Portfolio
As nurses, we continue to build our nursing skills, achievements, and professional experience throughout our careers. Documenting these essential details of our academic and professional accomplishments is crucial in paving the way to reaching our career goals. Incorporating specific elements of your educational achievements and professional experiences is vital in creating a professional portfolio (Burns, M. K., 2018).
To showcase a concise idea of your accomplishments throughout your career, strategies for incorporating academic achievements into your professional portfolio is essential. One approach is to integrate the growth and development in our profession, including elements such as your educational background, certifications achieved, and employment history. Developing a one to two-page resume or curriculum vitae as part of your professional portfolio clearly showcases evidence of your academic experiences and credentials (Sherrod, D., 2005).
Another strategy is to incorporate your evidence-based accomplishments, such as your annual performance reviews, peer reviews in your workplace, or the continuing education you have completed each year. Creating professional goals each year and evaluating them allows you to reflect on those goals to continue your professional growth throughout your career (Sherrod, D., 2005).
As nurses, we strive to stay current in today’s fast-changing world in healthcare. Citing your educational readings, such as relevant nursing journals, is a great way to showcase a self-improvement strategy (Sherrod, D., 2005).
In today’s digital world, an alternative way of showcasing your academic and professional progress and accomplishments is by creating an ePortfolio. Since anyone can view what you write about yourself online, including potential employers and so forth, maintaining a positive self-image on the web is crucial (Hannans, J. & Olivo, Y., 2017).
As nurses, we desire to be a part of positive change in our community and the nursing profession. With Walden University’s commitment to promoting positive social change, actively serving the community is a crucial aspect of my professional development goals (Walden University, 2020). Serving on the board in your community’s committees allows nurses to be part of a leadership team where new ideas are shared and endeavored (Cherry, B. et al., 2019).
Joining a professional organization such as the American Nurses Association is an example. By actively participating in a professional organization, nurses can advocate for the betterment of the community and the nursing profession by addressing current relevant issues (American Nurses Association, 2019). Active membership also provides opportunities for continuing education resources that allow nurses to engage in lifelong learning (Cherry, B. et al., 2019).
Building a professional portfolio is an essential tool in our career advancement journey. Just like the builder who creates a solid plan for a structure, designing a well-crafted blueprint for our academic success and professional development is crucial in paving the way towards attaining our goals (Laureate Education, 2018).
American Nurses Association. (2019). RNAction Center. P2a.Co.
Burns, M. K. (2018). Creating a Nursing Portfolio. Ohio Nurses Review, 93(3), 16–17.
Cherry, Barbara, DNSc, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, Caramanica, Laura, PhD, RN, CNE, CENP, et al. (2019). Leveraging the Power of Board Leadership in Professional Nursing Organizations. Journal of Nursing Administration, 49, 517-519.
Hannans, J. & Olivo, Y. (2017). Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an ePortfolio. American Nurse Today. 12 (11), 48-49.
Laureate Education. (2018). The Walden University Journey to a Masters in Nursing: Your Professional Development Plan [Video file].
Sherrod D. (2005). Career scope: south Atlantic. The professional portfolio: a snapshot of your career. Nursing Management, 36(9), 74–75.
Walden University. (2020). Social Change. Www.Waldenu.Edu.