1. In your own words, summarize the purpose of this article. What did you learn? What are you interested in learning more about? Should be at least one paragraph in length.
2. In your own words, explain what the added values ofcross-national campaigns are.
3. It was stated that “Social norms influence what is considered ‘healthy’, acceptable social behaviour, and thereceptiveness to governmental intervention.” Explain what is meant by this statementand why those designing a cross-border health communication campaign would need to be aware ofthis.
4. Consider the following statement “…due to cultural differences, you think that you [are] using the same words, but you could have completely different interpretations ofthat word(…) Or a referee [i.e. a role model] in one country could be seen as a big authority andin another country a bigloser.” (Sedentary lifestyle #5,Public official of Member State) Provide an example ofa health communicationcampaign in America that could be viewed differently inanother county and address what might cause this issue between communication and language barriers.
5. Do you agree with the view of the study participants in that effectively programming a single comprehensive campaign message across countries would be impossible?Why or why not?