CLINICAL CASE PRESENTATION GUIDELINES Purpose The purpose of this assignment is for learners to: · Have the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills learned throughout all core courses in the FNP track and previous clinical courses. · Demonstrate an advancing understanding of the care of women and children. · Demonstrate the ability to analyze previous patients seen in the clinical setting be able to perform an evidenced-based review of their case, diagnosis, and plan, while guiding and taking feedback from peers regarding the case · Demonstrate professional and leadership, while advancing the education of peers. Course Outcomes 1. Integrate current evidence based clinical practice guidelines in the care of childbearing and childrearing families. 2. Appropriately apply anticipatory guidance and health promotion in the care of childbearing and childrearing families. 3. Assess growth and developmental milestones in the care of childbearing and childrearing families. 4. Construct an evidence based reproductive health management plan. 5.
Purpose of this assignment
Identify and address healthcare needs of marginalized childbearing and childrearing families Requirements For Week 7 of the course you will be presenting your own case from clinical. The case should be clear, organized, and meet the following guidelines:] Initial Case Presentation: The initial presentation should include BOTH the subjective and objective data on the patient organized as you would organize them in a SOAP (CC, HPI – in paragraph format (no OLDCART); ROS, PE findings, and any lab or diagnostic findings for your patient. **Do not put the diagnosis or plan in initial post. WEEK 7: The case should be women’s health (meaning a case relating to some aspect of women’s healthcare, unique to women). WEEK 7 specific guidelines: The case should include some aspect of one the following – contraceptive management, sexuality, sexual health, menses or complaint thereof, pubertal development in a female, a well woman exam, STD, vaginitis, perineal skin changes, breast health or breast complaint, pregnancy, pre-conceptual health, post-partum health/problem, or a complaint thereof, or a disease specific to women or found in greater frequency in women. This might include a disease such as post-partum depression. Please do not use UTI. Leading the Discussion: Post your subjective, objective, and diagnostic data for your patient by Tuesday at 11:59 PM MT. Interactive Dialogue: As a student you will also be required to respond to at least two (2) other students initial case presentation. In your responses, you must include the following: Your top three (3) differentials based on the information provided, the primary diagnosis you are leaning toward, how you would treat that diagnosis. Use references to support your response. *DEADLINE – YOUR RESPONSES TO 2 STUDENTS ARE DUE BY FRIDAY AT 11:59 p.m. (MT). **If all students have a response, then choose the student with the least responses to their posting. Clinical Case Presentation Summary Criteria: By Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT, post a summary reply to your initial post and respond to any faculty questions to your initial posting or question(s) posed to the general class. Use references to support all of your responses. Criteria for Summary Post should include all of the following required elements: Summary post written in paragraph(s) type format (No SOAP); discuss primary and any applicable secondary diagnoses along with treatment plan for each diagnosis. Scholarly and evidence based in-text citation support for all of the listed diagnoses; Scholarly and evidence based in-text citation for each treatment plan. Differential diagnoses are eliminated. *Remember not to use any patient identifiers in your posting (this would be full names or disclosure of clinic name, preceptor name, et cetera). Please include age, gender, and race. Criterion Exceptional Outstanding or highest level of performance Exceeds Very good or high level of performance Meets Satisfactory level of performance Needs Improvement Poor or failing level of performance Developing Unsatisfactory level of performance Total Points Possible = 100 Application of Course Knowledge 30 Points 26 Points 24 Points 12 Points 0 Points Case presentation contributes unique perspectiv
purpose of this assignment