NUR 533 DQ Policy Analysis and Political Activism to Enhance Nursing
NUR 533 DQ Policy Analysis and Political Activism to Enhance Nursing
The IOM report on the Future of Nursing was released in 2010; the
recommendations of the report remain in the forefront of the professions policy
agenda. Full implementation of these recommendations is critical to achieving
optimal health outcomes for the American people. As nurses we are challenged to
overcome the barriers to the recommendation; part of doing this is to make
clear to all stakeholders the ways in wish failure to implement them harms the
health of the nation.
An example of the relationship between the opportunity for nurses to
practice to the full extent of their education and the outcome of this failure
is found in the shortage of primary care providers in underserved rural areas.
In states that do not allow advanced practice nurses (NPs) the opportunity for
independent practice, MDs are not choosing to practice in these rural areas,
and significant health disparities exist among the populations.
To prepare for your discussion, please complete all required reading and
viewing, including the Module Notes, prior to continuing.
This discussion requires that you understand the relationship between the
forces that shape health policy, the Framework for Action and the process for
policy analysis. The purpose of the discussion is for you to identify
opportunities to overcome a specific barrier to full implementation of the IOM
report and the policy implication of doing that.
Please address the following:
Choose and identify a specific IOM recommendation as a focus for your
Identify a barrier(s) to implementing that recommendation.
Explain how the barrier results in a specific health disparity or failure
to achieve a desirable population based health outcome.
Describe the specific policy/ policies that would require change in order
to over the p barrier.
For example if it is a payer issue related to Medicare, identify the
current policy, rule or law that interferes
Explain the way in which the policy interferes with implementation.
Describe the actions a master’s prepared nurse can take within the policy
arena to overcome this barrier.
NUR 533 DQ Policy Analysis and Political Activism to Enhance Nursing states that for your initial response, please be sure to address all of the above
statements and/ or questions.
Use these EC Library and OWL resources for research assistance and to
properly cite your work:
Master’s in Nursing Research Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to
an external site.
Plagiarism & Copyright (Links to an external site.)Links to an
external site.
Excelsior Library Writing Help (Links to an external site.)Links to an
external site.
APA Citation Help (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Excelsior College Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site.
How You Are Evaluated
You are expected to participate in academic conversations with peers and
faculty to generate scholarly dialogue. Expectations for participation in the
course discussions are described under the Discussion Rubric: Exploration,
Spirit of Inquiry, and Engagement (interactions) when relating your
experiences, opinions, viewpoints, and ideas supported by evidence.
according to NUR 533 DQ Policy Analysis and Political Activism to Enhance Nursing, consult the Discussion Posting Guide for information about writing your
discussion posts. It is recommended that you write your post in a document
first. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you
are ready to make your initial post, click “Reply.” Then copy/paste
the text into the message field, and click “Post Reply.”
To respond to a peer, click “Reply” beneath her or his post and continue
as with an initial post.
This discussion will be graded using the discussion board rubric. Please
review this rubric, located on the Rubrics page within the Start Here module of
the course, prior to beginning your work to ensure your participation meets the
criteria in place for this discussion. All discussions combined are worth 40%
of your final course grade.
Health-care systems are evolving and changing at a rapid pace. Nurses, as members of this system, should embrace these changes. [1] Nurses must influence the creation of health policies rather than just implementing them to achieve this goal. Then, in order to properly govern their practice, they must participate in the establishment of health policies. [2] Nurse leaders play a critical role in this process. In order to meet professional challenges, they must develop policy-making skills. [3] Nurse leaders provide unique and valuable perspectives on health policies as a result of their principles, professional ethics, advocacy abilities, and experiences. [2] In recent decades, nurses’ presence, role, and impact in health policies have grown significantly. Nurses are required to proactively identify difficulties and collaborate with other decision-makers to promote health-care policy. They should be aware of the many levels of authority in their organizations and who controls the health-care resources. [4] As a result, we can state unequivocally that nurses must be active in decisions that affect patients, families, themselves, and the entire health-care system. [5]
Nurses’ impact on health policies preserves patients’ safety, improves care quality, and makes it easier for them to get the resources they need, all of which supports high-quality health care.
[4,6] As a result, while the concept of policy impact in nursing is a new and essential one, there is a lack of conceptual clarity about what it actually entails. Most primary care groups in primary care centers spoke with local nurses on critical fields in care services, according to Dowswell et al. (2002), and they believed that consultation with nurses was effective. [2] In compared to other health professionals, the findings of a survey of health managers’ and authorities’ assessments of the effect of various health professions on revision of health affairs reveal that nurses are in the sixth (last) grade with a dominating point interval. [7]
Whether or whether what Dowswell et al. (2002) reported as consultation with nurses in local fields actually represents nurses’ policy impact is an open question. It appears that the scope of this concept’s application is broad and not well discussed in the literature. On the other hand, we should point out that health-care policies are divided into three categories: micro, macro, and meso. Policies at the micro level are just for specific parts, fields, or groups, and are not made primarily by the government, whereas policies at the macro level are for the entire country and are primarily made by the government. [8] Official organizations frequently make policies at the meso level, which sit between the micro and macro levels. [9] Can we now classify what occurs at all three levels as policy influence? As a result, it is critical to clarify and define this notion in order to develop it, particularly at various levels of nursing administration. We can reach a common language and boost the credibility of future investigations by clarifying this notion.