N 680 Public Health Emergency Discussion
N 680 Public Health Emergency Discussion
Analyze and discuss the different approaches that the state is using to address this public health emergency (e.g. addiction prevention education, medication disposal programs naloxone distribution programs, needle exchange programs, mental health and addiction services, partnerships among health and law enforcement agencies).
What is Public Health Emergency?
Disaster management is a core function of public health law. National laws and emergency
plans must take account of international obligations for the management of public health
emergencies, including the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR). The purpose of the IHR is
to prevent and manage the public health risks arising from the international spread of disease,
while avoiding “unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade”.
· Important obligations that arise under the revised IHR include the following:
· Each country is required to establish a National IHR Focal Point accessible at all times for
communications with WHO.
· Each country must develop and maintain the capacity to assess health risks within its
territory and to notify WHO of all events that may constitute a public health emergency of
international concern. The IHR contain a decision instrument to assist countries to identify events
requiring notification.
· The IHR impose a legal requirement on countries to strengthen and maintain their
surveillance and response capabilities at local, intermediate and national levels, and at designated
airports, ports and ground crossings. At national level, countries are expected to develop the
capacity to assess all reports of urgent events within 24 hours.
· Following a determination by WHO that a public health emergency of international
concern is occurring, the Director-General may issue temporary recommendations, after receiving
advice from the Emergency Committee. These recommendations may include the requirement to
carry out medical examinations and vaccinations, to place suspect persons under public health
observation, to quarantine, isolate or require the contact tracing of contacts of affected persons,
to carry out exit screening, and to refuse entry to suspect or affected persons.
· The IHR require countries to exercise their health powers in a transparent and nondiscriminatory manner, with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms
of persons. When issuing temporary recommendations, the Director-General shall consider health
measures that are neither more restrictive of international traffic and trade nor more intrusive to
persons than reasonable and appropriate alternative measures. The IHR contain a number of more
specific human rights protections that apply to the exercise of specific powers.
· In addition to the IHR, the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework provides
guidance in relation to the sharing of influenza viruses with human pandemic potential through
the WHO-coordinated Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System. The framework
includes a benefit-sharing system that gives commercial entities access to PIP biological materials
in exchange for providing assistance to developing countries.