MUSL Reflexive Narrative Presentation

MUSL Reflexive Narrative Presentation

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Health Medical

Maryville University of Saint Louis




Reflexivity is an ongoing process for evaluating oneself to understand how we relate and interact with others in our surrounding environment. Self-reflexivity can be a critical skill for human service professionals, as each individual brings unique strengths and challenges to the profession. While human service professionals may strive to remain neutral or bias-free in our work-related conduct, the act of acknowledging the origins of our perspectives can be a powerful exercise that aids in recognizing and addressing our professional blind spots.


Current health condition Adult suffering from chronic GERD He appreciates the support accorded to him by family and friends and he wants them to know that he notices all their sacrifices and appreciates their efforts. He regrets not adopting a healthy lifestyle early on in his life arguing that it would have significantly prevented development of his disease. It would have also reduced the fast progression of the disease. KEY Positive Relationship with family and friends The patient works four days a week and gets paid leave whenever he has a doctor’s appointment. He appreciates/ the routine and loves his job. Negative Typical day Visiting the park is his hobby where he loves taking his dog for walks while slightly jogging. He also likes playing videogames and going fishing during the weekends Family and friends live nearby and come to visit the patient often. They also spend time with him during the weekend since they are aware of his condition. Message to family & Friends Life decisions/regrets Hobbies The patient reports heartburn that lasts up to two hours. It is accompanied by a burning chest pain that starts behind the breastbone and spreads to the throat and neck. Other complaints include nausea, chronic cough, ear pain, regurgitation, laryngitis, and in extreme cases- acidinduced erosion of the teeth. Having to visit the doctor frequently is disruptive to his life Patient-Centered Care Plan After reviewing the constructive feedback provided, the information will assist in designing and defining the most appropriate care plan for the patient since it gives an insight into the individual’s life. In this perspective, the information elaborates on the patient’s health condition, hobbies, day activities, family relationships, and approach to life. Since the care plan concentrates on providing patient care valuably and meaningfully to a patient, it entails the combination of these factors to provide holistic care. From this perspective, the care plan will assist in informing the activity by giving an insight into the patient’s preferences, thus assist in integrating the hobbies into the care plan (Victoria, 2015). Additionally, the activity helps in the integration of other essential factors into the care plan to assist in providing the patient with the best treatment method and tactics. The definition of a patient care plan requires the identification of possible agencies, approaches, services, and complexities. Since the patient lives in Minnesota, the most appropriate agencies are those within the region to reduce the distance of travel. Furthermore, agencies within the area assist in providing a fast response in case of emergencies that require medical intervention. In this perspective, possible agencies are Brookdale home health, advanced medical home care, intrepid USA healthcare services, and kindred at home (Carepathways, 2020). These agencies are among the best due to the efficiency of services provided by the facilities. Agency analysis entailed the consideration of two factors, which are the efficiency of intervention measures provided in the facility and patient recovery in the facility. The results show that the agencies have a positive effect on the outcome of patients and have effective response and treatment strategies. Concerning the services offered, each of these agencies offers medical intervention amenities, such as speech pathology, physical therapy, skilled nursing, home health aide, occupation therapy, and medical social services (Carepathways, 2020). From this perspective, factors such as skilled nursing, physical therapy, and home health aide will assist in enhancing the conditions of the patient. On another matter, possible services are specialized medical services provided by a gastroenterologist. These services help in reducing the spread or prevalence of the disease since the activities help in treating the condition. Furthermore, the provision of services and the setting of approaches should consider the various patient-centered care principles. Some of these ideologies are consideration of patients’ preferences, coordination of care, care access, and the provision of emotional support, to mention a few (Oneview, 2015). Treatment measures involve activities such as surgery and medications. Similarly, the provision of such services also assists in the provision of advanced services regarding the treatment of GERD. From this perspective, the healthcare agency supposed to offer services to the patient ought to have a gastroenterologist to help in analyzing the patient’s development. Moreover, the practitioner will assist in structuring treatment measures to focus on the patient’s health condition. Another essential physiological service required by the patient is psychotherapy. The reason for this is since these services help in reducing the occurrence of stress-related thoughts caused by the condition. Psychotherapy is vital since it creates emotional and mental peace since it assists a person in accepting existing conditions and the definition of necessary intervention measures regarding the situation. Apart from psychotherapy, there is a need for social support services. Social support involves participation in groups consisting of people experiencing the same condition. Such associations help in providing insight concerning effective intervention measures and increasing the motivation for life. Therefore, the most effective agency is that which provided these services. In this perspective, to ensure that the patient receives the best care, it is paramount for the plan to integrate service provision and the choice of an agency (Class, 2020). A competent agency is that which concentrates or has a significant number of GERD patients that will assist in the formation of a social support group. However, medical intervention strategies may lead to side effects due to the use of medications that may have a side effect on the body. Therefore, the company needs to provide dietary services to assist in enhancing natural healing. Since GERD entails the return of gastric acids into the esophagus, an intake of the right foods may help in treating the condition without resulting in additional effects on the patient. From this viewpoint, another beneficial service is the provision of nutritional advice concerning appropriate food to take that will assist in reducing acids in the body (Muller, Tapaskar & Kavitt, 2020). Nutritional services also help in tracking the patient’s food intake and analyzing the effect of the foods on the patient. Additionally, the care plan should provide services that integrate treatment with the patient’s environment and living conditions. In light of this, the program ought to include physical activities to reduce the advancement of the disease. In consideration of the case, the patient considers the lack of engagement in physical activities as a cause of the ailment. The factor makes the patient intend to participate in physical activities. Moreover, the patient enjoys taking his dog for a walk or run, an activity that acts as a physical form of exercise. Another action that the patient loves is playing video games. In consideration of the patient’s plan and hobbies, the most effective way of ensuring the patient participates in the activity is by integrating the two factors. Therefore, possible services include the inclusion of Augmented Reality (AR) games into the facility or home of the patient to assist the individual in working out as he plays various games (Class, 2020). Furthermore, it is essential to provide training services that incorporate the patient’s hobbies. An example of such a service is the provision of tracking devices that provide an insight into the patient’s physical activities. On another topic, treatment focuses on various approaches, such as curative and supportive. Curative methods focus on the treatment of GERD, whereas supportive tactics concentrate on enhancing the patient’s efforts to treatment. Since the patient suffers from the condition, it is impractical to undertake a preventative approach (Canadian Nurses Association, n.d). Furthermore, the ailment is a cardiovascular disease and not an addiction issue; thus, it does not require the implementation of rehabilitation measures. In this perspective, the most efficient approaches would be those that have a high probability of resulting in the treatment of the disease. Curative and supportive measures are effective since each approach focuses on the adoption of new measures that aim at treating the patient. Curative measures include actions such as the provision of medication, nutritional changes, and exercises. From this perspective, the introduction of drugs into the body or the participation in treatment measures creates a new effect on the body that helps in fighting the ailment or changing the body’s reaction to a specific condition. Furthermore, the implementation of new nutritional measures helps in improving body composition and increasing a person’s immunity to a particular disease. In the event of lifestyle conditions, nutrition assists in reducing the presence of catalyst factors in the body concerning the ailment. On the other hand, physical exercises have a significant impact on the body; hence the activities may assist in treating or reducing the prevalence of an unwanted condition in the body. Regarding supportive approaches, the intervention measures ought to support the patient’s tastes and preferences. Therefore, a valid consideration entails recognizing the patient’s hobbies, such as taking the dog for a walk. In this perspective, approaches ought to include actions such as advising family members to join the patient while taking a walk. Another supportive approach that may assist in enhancing the effect of the measures on the patient is supporting the decision of the patient to reduce the intake of acidic foods by not including such foods in the family’s dietary plans. Other supportive strategy involves the preparation of the patient’s food separately and joining the individual in physical activities to enhance morale. However, the implementation of these approaches and the provision of the services mentioned above may be difficult due to the existence of several complexities. A significant complication is time. According to the consultative feedback, the patient works four days a week, which means that most of the time, the individual is at work for the four working days. Given the fact that some of the intervention measures require daily participation, the individual may lack time to engage in the activities, for instance, physical exercise ought to be a nearly daily activity. Moreover, time affects the patient’s ability to engage in other beneficial activities such as evening support groups that happen during the working days. Another notable complexity involves the issue of monitoring. According to the patient, friends and family live nearby and visit the individual often, which means that most likely, the patient lives alone. From this perspective, it is clear that without somebody else to ensure that the patient adheres to set intervention measures, the patient has a high chance of failing to follow the set treatment procedures.
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