HIMS 661 Change Management Discussion

HIMS 661 Change Management Discussion

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Health Medical

HIMS 661





Hi, please, read and respond to peers in 100 words minimum with credible references in APA style.

Peer 1:EHR implementation aims to have patient information available to anyone who needs it, when and where they need it. With an EHR, lab results can be retrieved much more rapidly, thus saving time and money. It should be pointed out, however, that reducing duplicated tests benefits the payers and patients, not clinicians, so there is a misalignment of incentives. It is estimated that 31% of the United States 2.3 trillion dollar healthcare bill is for administration. EHRs are more efficient because they reduce redundant paperwork and can interface with a billing program that submits claims electronically. Consider what it takes to simply get the results of a lab test back to a patient using the old system. This might involve a front office clerk, a nurse, and a physician. With an EHR, lab results can be forwarded via secure messaging or available for viewing via a portal. Electronic health records can help with productivity if templates are used judiciously. Embedded clinical decision support is one of the newest features of a comprehensive EHR. Clinical practice guidelines linked to educational content and patient handouts can be part of the EHR. This may permit finding the answer to a medical question while the patient is still in the exam room. Several EHR companies also offer a centralized area for all physician approvals and signatures of lab work, prescriptions, etc. This should improve workflow by avoiding the need to pull multiple charts or enter multiple EHR modules. Although EHRs appear to improve overall office productivity, they commonly increase the work of clinicians, particularly in data entry (Benefits of Switching to an EMR – Practice Management, n.d.).

An EHR should improve patient safety through many mechanisms: (1) Improved legibility of clinical notes, (2) Improved access anytime and anywhere, (3) Reduced duplication, (4) Reminders that tests or preventive services are overdue, (5) Clinical decision support that reminds clinicians about patient allergies, correct dosage of drugs, etc., (6) Electronic problem summary lists provide diagnoses, allergies, and surgeries at a glance. Quality reports are far easier to generate with an EHR than paper charts that require a chart review. Quality reports can also be generated from a data warehouse or health information organization that receives data from an EHR and other sources. Quality reports are the backbone of healthcare reform discussed further in another chapter. (Benefits of Switching to an EMR – Practice Management, n.d.). Despite the potential benefits of electronic health records, implementation of this technology faces barriers and restrictions, most of which are; cost constraints, technical limitations, standardization limits, attitudinal constraints-behavior of individuals, and organizational constraints. Many studies indicate that resistance to change is more important than other limitations to implementing the EHR. (Ajami & Chadegani, n.d.). Medical data processing is one of the most basic tasks of health care professionals. Computerized physician order entry applications with decision-support fields reduce avoidable medical errors using built-in memory aid. These automatic notification alert signals enable appropriate and timely intervention that ensures safer and more efficient health care. User-friendly technologies ensure the efficient and timely transfer of health care data for quality patient care, meeting the needs of the patients and the organization. (Adane & Gizachew, 2019)


Adane, K., & Gizachew, M. (2019, April 24). The role of medical data in efficient patient care delivery: a review. Dove press12, 67-73. 

Ajami, S., & Chadegani, R. A. (n.d.). Barriers to implementing Electronic Health Records (EHRs). Mater Sociomed25(3), 213-215. 

Benefits of Switching to an EMR – Practice Management. (n.d.). Practice Fusion. Retrieved July 20, 2022, from 

Peer 2:

Delisle et al. (2019) and Oachs and Watters (2020) provide substantive change management methods, principles, and tools that can be used to address the resistance encountered by all staff, including the providers. Here are some possible actions the HIM professionals or the project manager can use to lead organizational change:

  • Build a rapport with crucial physician leadership; collect Chairperson contact information (Delisle et al., 2019)
  • Incorporate several communication tools; tailor communications to their needs with a mix of both De- and centralized communication methods like monthly newsletters, engagement meetings, regular and frequent emails, and videos of testimonials by current users, which increase creditability (Delisle et al., 2019)
  • Discuss the impact of harm to their patient population stemming from provider inefficiency and confusion (Delisle et al., 2019)
  • Look for collaborative efforts to achieve solutions (Delisle et al., 2019; Oachs & Watters, 2020)
  • Encourage Provider Participation; by appointing a Physician Champion to reduce miscommunication and mistrust and to assist with reflective learning (Oachs & Watters, 2020)
  • Engage and Involve Early Adopters in the EHR systems initiation and planning process as change agents at the local level to influence informal communications (Oachs and Watters, 2020)
  • Host systems demonstrations with mock patients thru the future technology’s workflow (Delisle et al., 2019)
  • Use consistent talking points and centralized communications to stymy rumor mills, reinforce positive messaging, and fill the gaps that create biases (Deslisle et al. 2019)
  • Utilize SMEs as change agents (Delisle et al., 2019; Oachs & Watters, 2020)
  • Establish a project team governance criteria in the communications management plan that addresses expectations for targeted communications with providers, and the manner, route, frequency, and appropriate personnel (Delisle et al., 2019; Oachs & Watters, 2020)
  • Engage physician staff and leadership early and continuously throughout all phases of Kotter’s Change Management Framework (Oachs & Watters, 2020)


Delisle, D. R., McLamb, A., & Inch, S. (2019, January 15). Transformation and your new electronic health record. [VitalSource Bookshelf 10.1.0]. vbk://9780429824609

Oachs, P., & Watters, A. (2020). Health information management concepts, principles and practice, 6th Edition. American Health Information Management Association Press.

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