Discussion: Mothers Lactated Ringer’s N 234
Discussion: Mothers Lactated Ringer’s N 234
The purpose of this assignment is to identify nursing care models utilized in today’s various health care settings and enhance your knowledge of how models impact the management of care and may influence delegation. You will assess the effectiveness of models and determine how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to identify opportunities for improvement to ensure quality, safety and staff satisfaction.
Definition of Lactated Ringers?
Whether or not exposure to heavy metals causes autism requires conducting careful studies to identify patterns that would suggest causality such as a temporal association of cause and effect (e.g., whether mercury exposure is followed immediately by signs of autism), a plausible biologic mechanism, and a dose response relationship (e.g., whether higher levels of mercury exposure increase the risk of autism). Existing scientific evidence does not support mercury as a cause of autism, and suggests instead that a number of genetic variations are most likely responsible for the condition.
Typically, physicians who prescribe chelation will test baseline levels of heavy metals in the urine of patients and then test the urine again after the administration of the chelation drug. However, this may not be a valid assessment. One published report of a child with environmental mercury toxicity (presenting with acrodynia, or burning pain associated with mercury toxicity) showed that urinary level did not reflect clinical improvement after chelation. Another study of children with autism concluded that since DMSA chelation did not lead to high excreted levels of mercury, the children with autism did not have a high body burden of the metal.
Discussion: Mothers Lactated Ringer’s N 234
A recent search of the scientific literature via Medline found no randomized controlled trials of the use of chelation for the treatment of autism. A proposed study that was to be funded by the NIMH was canceled. Several papers outlining only the opinion of the authors (listed as “pre-pilot”) advocate a role for chelation as a treatment for autism based on personal experience.
Individuals or parents making decisions about introducing a drug intervention such as chelation must weigh risks to benefits. There are no known scientifically-validated benefits of the administration of chelating agents, yet there are some reported risks. Known side effects of these chemicals include: Two reported deaths (presumably from hypocalcemia induced by using an incorrect drug administered too quickly); hypocalcemia; and depletion of beneficial metals (zinc, iron). Ten percent of DMSA-treated patients show evidence of gastrointestinal issues including elevation in liver enzymes. In short, there is not enough scientific evidence available at this time to advocate a role for chelation of heavy metals in the treatment of autism, and there is potential for adverse side effects.