Discussion: Importance of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Practice MSN 6026
Discussion: Importance of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Practice MSN 6026
MSN 6026 – Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice II
Unit 1 Discussion
DQ1 Importance of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Practice
Genetics and genomics are becoming an increasingly more common and important aspect of modern medical care. It is vital that nurses have the appropriate level of knowledge and skills to be able to tackle modern approaches to care.
In your initial post, complete the following. Be sure to follow the requirements for initial postings found in the Faculty Expectations Message (FEM).
What are the two most important knowledge or skill areas for nurses related to genetics and genomics?
Why are these areas so important?
What evidence (articles, best practices, professional competencies, et cetera) illustrate the importance of these areas?
Evaluate your level of knowledge and skills with regard to the two areas you presented.
Provide examples from your studies or practice that illustrate your competence and success in the two areas.
Discussion: Importance of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Practice MSN 6026Explain potential ways in which you could improve your knowledge and skills with regard to the two areas.
Response Guidelines
In your response post, address one or more of the following. Be sure to follow the requirements for response posts found in the FEM.
Suggest an additional key area of knowledge or skill for nurses related to genetics and genomics. Explain to your peer why this additional area is important.
Suggest at least one resource that is relevant to your peer’s explanation of how they could improve their knowledge and skills in the areas they discussed.
Discussion: Importance of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Practice MSN 6026Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
Describe important knowledge or skill areas related to genetics and genomics evidence-based practice.
Self-assess knowledge or skill areas related to genetics and genomics evidence-based practice.