Advancement As A Nurse Educator

NURS6351 Discussion Response #1: Advancement As A Nurse Educator

Advancement As A Nurse Educator

NURS6351 Discussion Response #1: Advancement As A Nurse Educator

Respond to the discussion #1 below using the following approaches:

1.    Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information or research.

2.    Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

3.    Validate an idea with your own experience and additional resources.


Discussion #1


Having chosen nursing education as my professional pathway, I hope to obtain professional achievement and contributions.  Contributions that I hope to make as a role of the nurse educator would be helping to empower and positively impact the student with whom I work.  I want to maintain a professional yet approachable attitude with my students and hope that my expertise will influence a positive social change.  Achieving professional growth can only come with time, exposure and practice.  A novice educator can only observe these areas initially and hope to apply learned information in future experiences. The nursing profession will always be an area of evidence-based change in society; therefore considering opportunities to help influence build and advance ones role and aid in the development as a nurse educator is imperative.  Halstead states that “You cannot achieve excellence in teaching or practice or both without immersing yourself in scholarly evidence and using the evidence to inform actions you take as a teacher or practitioner” (p.121).  To be a scholar there are many ways to achieve this goal but utilizing research to obtain evidence-based material to help compliment educational experiences will support the intended outcome.

As mentioned in prior discussion boards, taking the time to identify those who empower and impact novice educator is important to our long term success.  A strategy I would take would be to identify the key players who support and motivate others in similar working environments.  Once identified, I would then capitalize on their strengths, observe their weaknesses and apply the positive learned information when educating future students.

Advancement As A Nurse Educator

Steps that I may take the further my career and continue to grow in the years ahead include obtaining advanced degrees including my doctorate.  Becoming a scholar and publish materials that influence the medical world and participating in the development of programs of new research is something I hope to accomplish.  In addition, building on certifications including the International Board of Lactation Consultants Examiners (IBLCE) will help support my own education and utilizing that advanced knowledge when educating future patients/students. I would hope that the presenter honoring my accomplishments in 2035 would describe me as a change agent who is positive, motivated, organized and strives to make changes in the world of nursing.  My students would describe me as approachable, professional, respectable, and a mentor for their future endeavors.  Palmer (2007) states “an educational program that emerges from a continuing collaboration of administrators, faculty, and students is much more likely to produce new professionals than ones that leave students disempowered” (p.212).  This statement impacted my reading in such that the job cannot be done by just one individual but that of a team that is cohesive in achieving a common goal.  That goal is professional, self directed, motivated engaged participants in the medical field.

I hope my legacy in the profession of nursing reveals me as being a change agent exuding positivity and empowerment for those not only in the educational forum but in the medical arena as well.


Halstead, J.A., & Frank, B. (2011). Pathways to a nursing education career: Educating the next generation of nurses. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Palmer, P.J. (2007). The courage to teach: Exploring the inner landscape of the teacher’s life. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.




1.    1 page only

1.    Put APA format citations

2.    At least 3 references (APA format)… Articles must be 2011 to 2016.

Required Readings

Halstead, J. A., & Frank, B. (2011). Pathways to a nursing education career: Educating the next generation of nurses. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

·         Chapter 6, “Developing Your Identity as a Scholar” (pp. 121–142)

·         Chapter 7, “Determining Your Service Commitment” (pp. 143–159)

·         Chapter 8, “Planning Your Career Trajectory” (pp. 161–181)

Advancement As A Nurse Educator

In Chapters 6 and 7, the authors examine two essential focus areas that round out a nurse educator’s teaching responsibilities: scholarship and service. In Chapter 8, they present suggestions for developing professional pathways and documenting accomplishments.

Palmer, P. J. (2007). The courage to teach: Exploring the inner landscape of a teacher’s life. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

·         Chapter VII, “Divided No More: Teaching from a Heart of Hope” (pp. 169–190)

·         Afterword, “The New Professional: Education for Transformation” (pp. 191–214)


In Chapter VII, Palmer addresses the opportunities and challenges of reforming education. In the Afterword, she examines how professionals can be prepared to enact change.

Banfield, V., Fagan, B., & Janes, C. (2012). Charting a new course in knowledge: Creating life-long critical care thinkers. Dynamics, 23(1), 24–28.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


The authors examine the use of team-based learning to promote critical thinking.

Lee, D., Paulus, T., Loboda, I., Phipps, G., Wyatt, T. H., Myers, C. R., & Mixer, S. J. (2010). A faculty development program for nurse educators learning to teach online. Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 54(6), 20–28.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article examines a faculty development program designed to prepare nurse educators for online teaching. The authors describe the conceptual frameworks used to guide program development, as well as the use of formative and summative evaluation.

McNeal, G. J. (2012). The nursing faculty shortage. The ABNF Journal, 23(2), 23.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article addresses how poor compensation, an aging faculty workforce, faculty workload, lack of diversity, and inadequate preparation contribute to a shortage of nursing educators.

Russell, B. C. (2010). Stress in senior faculty careers. New Directions for Higher Education, 151.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


The author examines career satisfaction among senior faculty members. As you read this article, consider how and why this information is applicable to novice nurse educators.

Thoun, D. (2009). Toward an appreciation of nursing scholarship: Recognizing our traditions, contributions, and presence. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(10), 552–55
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


The author examines scholarship in nursing educators’ work.


Cash, P. A., Doyle, R. M., von Tettenborn, L., Daines, D., & Faria, V. (2011). Working with nurse educators’ collective wisdom: Implications for recruitment and retention. Nursing Economics, 29(5), 257–264. Retrieved from

The authors examine experiences in and characteristics of work environments that contribute to nurse educator recruitment and retention.



Monster. (2013). Sample résumés for nurses. Retrieved from provides information related to the job search process. You may wish to view the résumé samples as you develop your résumé.



Anthony, J. (2013). 10 tips for writing a professional résumé. Retrieved fromésumé

Building an effective résumé is key to securing a desired position. This article presents tips for résumé writing.



Rockport Institute. (2012). How to write a masterpiece of a résumé—Part 1. Retrieved from

This resource provides foundational information for developing your résumé.


Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013a). Achieving professional growth [Video file]. Retrieved from MyMedia Player. (NURS 6351)


Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 17 minutes.


In this media presentation, Dr. Dorothy Powell and Beth Phillips reflect on their journeys as nurse educators. They share strategies for advancing in the nursing profession as well as lessons learned and advice for future nursing leaders.


Palmer, P. J. (2007). The courage to teach: Exploring the inner landscape of a teacher’s life. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter VI, “Learning in Community: The Conversation of Colleagues” (pp. 145–167)

In this chapter, Palmer explores the value of learning with and from others, by watching others teach and by talking with one another about teaching.

Faiman, B. (2011). Overview and experience of a nursing e-mentorship program. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(4), 418–423.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


The author examines the use of technology for nursing mentorship, and concludes that attention to learning styles and levels of education should be given in such programs.

Foley, V. C., Myrick, F., & Yonge, O. (2012). A phenomenological perspective on preceptorship in the intergenerational context. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 9(1), 1–23.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article presents a study of how generational differences can lead to diverging expectations and affect student-preceptor interactions.

Girot, E., & Rickaby, C. (2009). Evaluating the role of mentor for advanced practitioners: An example from community matrons in England. Learning in Health & Social Care, 8(1), 1–12.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


In this article, the authors examine a study conducted on a mentorship program. They address how differing expectations and types of support influenced outcomes.

Happell, B. (2009). A model of preceptorship in nursing: Reflecting the complex functions of the role. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(6), 372–376.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


In this article, the author proposes a model of preceptorship to maximize learning and satisfaction.

Luhanga, F. L., Billay, D., Grundy, Q., Myrick, F., & Yonge, O. (2010). The one-to-one relationship: Is it really key to an effective preceptorship experience? A review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 7(1), 1–15.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


The authors review the literature related to preceptorship in nursing. They note that with the current workforce shortage, it may be difficult to create one-to-one relationships; therefore, these types of relationships must be thoughtfully configured to facilitate learning.

Royds, K. (2010). Using reflective practice to learn from good and bad experiences. Learning Disability Practice, 13(5), 20–23.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


The author engages in reflection to examine her interactions with mentors in practice settings and assess the professional redirection and growth that resulted from her experiences.

Schaubhut, R., & Gentry, J. (2010). Nursing preceptor workshops: Partnership and collaboration between academia and practice. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(4), 155–162.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article integrates adult learning theory and Benner’s novice-to-expert model with a study of preceptorship.

Willemsen-McBride, T. (2010). Preceptorship planning is essential to perioperative nursing retention: Matching teaching and learning styles.Canadian Operating Room Nursing Journal, 28(1), 8–8, 10–11, 16.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Advancement As A Nurse Educator

This article emphasizes the value of matching teaching and learning styles in preceptor relationships to promote job satisfaction.

Wilson, A. H., Sanner, S., & McAllister, L. E. (2010). An evaluation study of a mentoring program to increase the diversity of the nursing workforce.Journal of Cultural Diversity, 17(4), 144–150.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


The authors examine the experiences of faculty and students in a formal mentorship program.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013g). The mentoring relationship [Video file]. Retrieved from MyMedia Player. (NURS 6351)


Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 15 minutes.


In this media presentation, Dr. Terry Valiga and Beth Phillips discuss the roles of mentors and mentees. They also share reflections on their own mentor/mentee relationship..

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