NR 509 Week 2 Quiz Review – (Jarvis 8,9,13,14,15,16,18), (Swartz 4,6,7,8,9,10)
- What does dullness when percussing lung fields: Jarvis pg 427
- Facial sensation controlled by which CN: Jarvis 283,
- Know what two salivary glands are accessible during exam
- What CN is being … when pt shrugs shoulders Jarvis 646
- What muscles are being …. when …. CN 11 (spinal accessory nerve)
- Concern for malignant nodules versus benign lymph nodule
- Know what you’d do next if you palpated a submental lymph node: Jarvis pg 253
- Define visual acuity
- Know what to do if your patient can’t read the largest number on the Snellen chart: Jarvis 289
- Example of good visual acuity : Jarvis 289
- Example of poor visual acuity: Jarvis 289
- What is …. with corneal light reflex-
- Know normal variances of sclera : Jarvis 283
- Know how to check for Ptosis: Jarvis 292
- What does ptosis indicate: Jarvis 292
- Nasal fissure of pt with chronic allergies : Jarvis 271
- Acute allergies : Jarvis p 363 .
- What is an abnormal palpation of sinuses: Jarvis 362
- Normal palpation of sinuses
- Know normal variations in gingival margin
- Know what a dehydrated oral cavity will look like: Jarvis 387
- What is tactile fremitus, how do you test for it and what does it indicate. Jarvis 425