Medical Office Management Assignment Instructions
Medical Office Management Assignment Part 1:
Patient Ledger & Bank Deposit Slip
● Download from Doc Sharing the “PT Day sheet Ledger Template”.
● Work through the information provided in the template to fill in the ledger.
● Download the Bank Deposit Detail Template from Doc Sharing
● Fill in the bank deposit sheet using the information supplied on the bank deposit form
Medical Office Management Assignment Part 2:
Write a 200 word script describing how you might coach a patient (Mr Rosen) during his first office visit. Advise him of a) the medical office policy regarding his responsibility, as the guarantor, for services rendered in your medical practice, b) the policy for releasing medical records, and c) another policy of your choice that demonstrates your understanding of office policy and the importance of properly coaching your patients.
Medical Office Management
Medical office managers oversee a wide team of nurses and office staff members. Managing a medical office requires you to be good at detail-oriented tasks like records keeping. Read on to find out about academic and career options in medical office management.
Inside Medical Office Management
The majority of physicians at private practices are not trained to run a business. They instead turn to medical office managers to manage the day-to-day business and office duties of their practice. Medical office managers handle tasks like purchasing and maintaining equipment, overseeing billing and collection, making personnel decisions, training staff and planning budgets. Another increasingly important task that medical office managers need to oversee is the transition of health records from paper to electronic format.
Medical office management offers you the chance to work closely with physicians to increase the efficiency and productivity of a medical practice. You must stay very organized and possess strong people skills to be effective at this job.