NRS 434 Developmental Assessment And The School-Aged Child
Developmental Assessment And The School-Aged Child
Growth is defined as the continuous changes in size in both internal and external aspects. On the other hand, development is defined as the continuous process of adaptation throughout an individual’s lifespan (Scharf, Scharf & Stroustrup, 2016). Development progresses in a systematic sequence; however, each child advances through the predictable stages within a specific timeframe. School-aged children include children aged 6 to 12 years old. This paper seeks to compare the physical assessments among school-aged children, explain the typical developmental stages of a 6-year-old, and apply Erickson’s developmental theory to assess the child.
Physical Assessments among School-Aged Children
The of a school-aged child involves a complete head-to-toe exam. The assessment begins with assessing the general state to note the child’s hygiene and grooming and any signs of neglect or abuse (Srinath et al., 2019). The second step is taking vital signs, but different blood pressure cuffs are used based on the child’s age. Anthropometric measurements are taken to assess nutritional status (Srinath et al., 2019). The head-to-toe exam is performed using the four techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Special screenings are performed, including Vision, Hearing, and Dental screening (Srinath et al., 2019). The vision screening is conducted using a Snellen’s chart to measure visual acuity. It also involves assessing for squint, strabismus, and nystagmus (Srinath et al., 2019). A hearing screening is conducted if the child presents with complaints of impaired hearing. In addition, a dental screening is done for all school-aged children to assess for common dental conditions such as tooth cavities and bleeding gums as well as shedding of primary teeth and eruption of secondary teeth.
The school-aged child’s physical assessment would be modified to correspond to the age and developmental stage by beginning with the least discomforting or painful procedures and concluding with the discomforting ones (Srinath et al., 2019). I would also assess the parts associated with the chief complaint last. For example, in a child presenting with abdominal pain, I will examine the abdomen last to foster cooperation. Besides, for children from 6-8 years, I will conduct the exam in the caregiver’s presence to ensure cooperation (Srinath et al., 2019). However, for the older child, above eight years, I will provide privacy and promote autonomy. Furthermore, I will provide privacy for the older child by uncovering only the body parts being assessed to avoid discomfort from the development of secondary sexual characteristics.
Typical Developmental Stages of 6-Year-Olds
Key physical include improved locomotor skills such as skipping, running, and jumping. The child should demonstrate strong hand-eye coordination, such as the ability to throw a ball at a target (Scharf et al., 2016). They begin losing the milk teeth, and permanent molars, medial and lateral incisors begin to erupt. Emotional development milestones include demonstrating self-control skills and maintaining emotional stability (Scharf et al., 2016). Cognitive developmental milestones include knowing their age, concept of time, particularly night, morning, and afternoon (Scharf et al., 2016). Most have about 2560 words and make comprehensible 6-7 word sentences. Besides, the child should associate words with their use (Scharf et al., 2016). Typical social developmental milestones include fear of the dark and big animals, sibling jealousy, exhibiting a sense of humor, and being peer-oriented.
Application of Erickson Theory in Developmental Assessment
A 6-year-old falls in the Industry versus Inferiority stage in the Erickson theory. In the Industry versus Inferiority stage, the child develops a sense of confidence by mastering tasks (Orenstein & Lewis, 2020). However, the sense of accomplishment can be offset by a sense of inferiority that arises from failing. I would apply the Erickson theory by assessing a child’s ability to perform tasks independently, such as homework and hygiene and grooming activities, and the ability to regulate social behavior (Orenstein & Lewis, 2020). Besides, I would give the child a task and ask them to do it independently. I would also assess whether the child develops a sense of inferiority, such as low self-esteem, when unable to perform the task.
I would offer explanations using simple and short sentences and inform the child of any painful procedures, to gain cooperation. I would also use polite, non-threatening language to relieve anxiety and promote cooperation (Srinath et al., 2019). Besides, I would ask the child to provide his demographic information and history of present illness to encourage a sense of autonomy. I would also inform the child of the assessment findings, any abnormalities found, and additional tests that will be required.
Growth and development are continuous from conception to death. The physical assessment of a school-aged child involves taking vital signs, anthropometric measurements, head-to-toe exam, visual, hearing, and dental screening. Assessment can be modified by beginning with the least painful procedures and assessing the systems associated with the complaints last. Developmental assessment of a 6-year-old entails assessing milestones in the motor, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects. The Erickson developmental theory can be applied to assess a child’s development by asking the school-aged child to independently perform a task and assess if they develop a sense of inferiority if they fail.
Orenstein, G. A., & Lewis, L. (2020). Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
Scharf, R. J., Scharf, G. J., & Stroustrup, A. (2016). Developmental Milestones. Pediatrics in review, 37(1), 25.
Srinath, S., Jacob, P., Sharma, E., & Gautam, A. (2019). Clinical practice guidelines for the assessment of children and adolescents. Indian journal of psychiatry, 61(Suppl 2), 158.
NRS 434 Developmental Assessment And The School-Aged Child SAMPLE 2
Assessment of growth and development in children provides healthcare providers, parents, and teachers with vital information regarding the different growth components, including cognitive, motor, language and learning, and socioemotional elements. Assessment of children is essential because it can help identify behavior and learning issues that might require special interventions (Lally & Valentine, 2021). Children have different needs depending on theirage; thus, it is necessary to use growth and development milestones for appropriate age when conducting the pediatric assessment. The purpose of this paper is to explore assessment techniques used for school-going children of different ages and examine the growth and developmental stage of a five-year-old in respect of Erikson’s stages of development.
Physical Assessments among School-Aged Children
The physical examination approach is the same for all school-going children, 5-12 years old. It startswith taking vital signs, weight, height, and a head-to-toe exam. However, different techniques are used for smaller children and the older ones and interactions also vary with during the physical examination. For smaller children, 5-7 years, non-medical terms should be used to describe the different exams. Additionallythe nurse should engage the child to talk about school activities as she conduct the physical examination (Lally & Valentine, 2021). When examining older school-going children, the nurse can use medical terms but explain what they mean. For older children, the nurse can engage them in conversation about school performance and challenges rather than activities.Additionally, the nurse should apply modesty when physically examining older kids as they are sensitive to privacy (Lally & Valentine, 2021). One common strategy a nurse can use for all the school-going children is, being open to answering any questions they might have.
Older children are more attentive, intelligent, and cooperative than younger ones. According to Piaget’s Stages of Development, a five-year-old falls in the preoperational stage (2-7 years) while a 10-year-old belongs to the concrete operational stage (7-11 years). Hence, at ten years, a child has a better understanding, higher cognitive development and intellectual abilities thana six-year-old (Lally & Valentine, 2021). Similarly, when using games and questions to engage a child as a strategy for developing rapport, a nurse will use different approaches for a younger kid and an older one. Older kids from 8 years understand the difference between reality and fiction; thus, a practitioner can use more developed games/stories/trivia to engage with them.
Assessment of 5-year-old Child
My chosen case is a 5-year-old girl, Ellis. Ellis was 3 kg at birth and has had average growth throughout. She has never been hospitalized save the occasional outpatient visits. She has undergone all the recommended immunizations from birth to now. School performance is average, and she relates well socially with friends. According to CDC developmental milestone, at five years, the language/communication developments expected of Ellis include telling a story composed of at least two events, maintaining a back-and-forth conversation, and answering simple questions after reading a story (CDC, 2022). Similarly, the cognitive milestones that Ellis should achieve at age five include counting 1-10 and naming numbers when pointed. Ellis should also recognize letters and write some letters of her name. she should be able to use the time words including evening, yesterday, morning, tomorrow and so on. The movement milestones expected at this stage is hopping on a single foot and buttoning own clothes. Finally, the social/emotional milestone achievements are following rules, singing/dancing/acting, and helping with simple house chores.
Erickson Stages of Development
According to Erikson’s stages of development, Ellis falls in the locomotor stage (3-6 years), described as initiative vs. guilt. During this stage, the child becomes more assertive as they explore the world and their abilities (Chung, 2018).A child who goes through this stage successfully feels independent and secure in their abilities and making decisions. To achieve engagement and cooperation, I would ask Ellis about her friends, whom she likes, and the classmates she feels are mean to her. Additionally, Ellis is more attached to her dolls and imaginary plays at this stage. I will ask her the names of her dolls and her favorite play. The potential findings from the assessment will include a high level of cognitive development and understanding(Galotti, 2018). Another potential finding is either a girl with high confidence or lacks confidence symbolizing the success of the locomotor stage, or lacks confidence because of feelings of guilt. Additionally, another potential finding will be behavioral issues such as antisocial behavior, if present, signalling a possible mental health concern.
Assessment of school-age children is a highly engaging process that requires applying various strategies to gain cooperation depending on the age. For example, a child who is five years has a developed understanding but will still need guidance on answering questions. To engage a child who is five years old and gain cooperation, talking about her friends and favorite plays will do the trick since play and friendship are central to this stage. Erikson’s stages of development place a 5-year-old child in the locomotor stage. Success through this stage leads to the development of purpose, while failure causes a sense of guilt. Finally, cognitive and social/emotional development will potentially be observed through the assessment.
CDC. (2022, February 7). Important Milestones: Your Child By Five Years. Retrieved from CDC:
Chung, D. (2018). The Eight Stages of Psychosocial Protective Development: Developmental Psychology. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 8, 369-398. https://doi.10.4236/jbbs.2018.86024.
Galotti, K. M. (2018). Cognitive psychology: In and out of the laboratory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lally, M., & Valentine, S. (2021). Cognitive Development in Early Childhood. In M. Lally, & S. Valentine, Lifespan Development: A Psychological Perspective (pp. University of Arkansas.